So it's the 55th annual Grammy awards. Staring back in 1949 it's been getting bigger and bigger.
Introduced as the greatest music show on earth, that's a lot to live up to, and included 81 awards. But sure enough some big performances, Ed Sheran with Elton John of particular note.
We believe that great lighting has such a big part to play in enhancing the musical performance and atmosphere, but the Grammy's have gone that step further. Now there's weather to add into the mix. Sure enough, when Fun performed it started raining, and properly raining. Those big drops created especially to be visible on camera. As Fun also won best new artist then the challenge is surely on for next year's new artists. Adele winning best pop solo performance with "Set Fire to the Rain" might not be a co-incidence. After all, maybe rains's just a natural progression from using "Fog" to enhance lighting effects....
While always looking for new ways of keeping our discos full of great sound and light, but we'll be keeping things dry for the time being at least.